
Web • UI / UX / Prototyping / User testing • 2020-2022



Talkie is a one-stop-shop for conversational AI. It was designed to be used by customer service teams, so they don’t need a tech background to successfully design and train the virtual agent, analyze calls, and do much more.



Bring the platform from initial version to the full fledged product by creating a brand look and feel and build design system for the new expanding industry. The biggest challenge was to convey sophisticated processes such as building voice assistant conversation flows or setting up calls schedule and more into an easy to use interface.


Virtual assistant designer

Main part of the Talkie platform is “Designer”. It’s a conversation flows creator with which you build your virtual assistant, and all of the possible branches. It has a complex structure, many nesting levels and lots of possible configurations with options. By iterating and user testing different parts of the user interface, it was possible to create a straightforward information hierarchy and easy to use interface with basic knowledge about virtual assistants.


Website, colors and waves

As a part of my work, as I mentioned earlier, was to help create brand look and feel. Talkie already had a logo, but still needed a color palette and its own theme, which after some discussions and brainstorming became waves and ripples that are created by sounds we create while talking to each other.

While I was working on the brand look and feel, I was preparing my first projects of a Talkie website at the same time. At first the idea was to create a few static websites, but while we were creating the website designs, team and product was growing. In the end we decided to create a bunch of custom made building blocks for popular content management system to easier build websites in a same style.


© 2022 Maciej Jurczak